Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Program Link June 30 show

Below is the link to the June 30 two-hour broadcast of GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN featuring NOAH GITTELL, director of government affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, who talks about recent Farm Bill developments including food stamps, subsidies, and student lunches – as well as issues related to vivisection. UNCOOPED, an online project of the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANIMALS AND SOCIETY about chickens, is discussed by curator and museum collections manager ABBIE ROGERS and museum founder and director CAROLYN MERINO MULLIN. Hear more from our whistleblower friend, former USDA inspector LESTER FRIEDLANDER, D.V.M – JELL-O, a gelatin product, is not cool, but gelatin-free vegan COOL CUPS are! Gelatin is traditionally made from hide and hooves from animals including cows, pigs, and horses – JELL-NO!
There are hundreds of free archives on the website, and please feel free to click DONATE while there to help pay for radio airtime and production costs for free speech for animals 
This Weekend – MATT MINER, creator of the “Liberator” comic book series – LIVE on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, Sunday 5pm – 7pm / pacific, nationally syndicated on the Genesis Communications Network, available by clicking LISTEN LIVE at

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