Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

2 Responses

  1. Samuel
    Samuel February 19, 2021 at 4:01 pm | | Reply

    At around 57 minutes in, Linden and Cousins spread anti-mask misinfo in this episode – they are wrong about the virus being too small for masks! The virus particles are not by themselves, rather, when they leave a person’s mouth via breathing or talking or cough or sneezing, they are aerosolized and attached to water particles (we breath out water vapor not naked virus particles) as well as attached to dust particles, etc. Moreover, even if it was just virus particles by themselves (which again, they aren’t), even many of those would get trapped in masks as they bounce through crisscross holes in layers of fabric. Comparing it to mosquitoes flying through a fence like Cousins stated and to which Bob Linden agreed was good analogy, is just not even close to reality. To play off that analogy, it’s like mosquitos attached to balloons (water vapor, dust etc) trying to fly through a multiple layers of fence placed on top of each other.

    Masks work and save lives. I don’t know what Facebook meme you got your science from, but you have a responsibility to your audience and the globe, to not spread misinformation like this.

    Please take just a moment to learn more about virus particles and masks here:

    If you want a deeper dive, check out the Science Friday’s episode where a SCIENTIST who works in a mask testing lab all day every day, is interviewed about why there is a new recommendation to Double Masks (not remove masks!)

    Another misinfo tidbit Cousins mentions is a CDC studies he refers that he says proves masks don’t work. He fails us miserably here as a health advocate. These CDC studies, again in Facebook memes, are interpreted wrongly, for example the CDC study explained clearly:

    The preponderance of evidence shows mask mandates work, great illustration of this here on states that have implemented them:

    A plea to Bob and his team: At the very very least, if you truly do not know who to believe, (viral Facebook posts vs the preponderance of Scientists), you should err on the side of caution so that you don’t influence someone to become lax about their mask use. If you are wrong, do you really want to be responsible for someone catching Covid-19 and getting hospitalized or infecting their loved ones?

  2. vegan warrior
    vegan warrior March 8, 2021 at 3:52 am | | Reply

    Spreading anti-science, anti-mask nonsense is dangerous, harmful, and definitely NOT VEGAN as it actually leads to SUFFERING AND DEATH!

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